By signing up, your business will receive a free advertisement in our business directory. The directory is available on our website and exists to help people find businesses and services in the Deseret Region. Having you business in our directory means that you will receive FREE advertising for all of the Deseret Region. All you have to do is fill out the form below.

It is required that Your business must be located within the Deseret Region. if you are unsure if your business is in the Deseret Region or not then click here.

All the information you provide will be included in the business directory unless you specify otherwise. You should provide as much information as possible so that potential customers will be able to find your business.

Please enter your information exactly as you want to to appear in the business directory. For information you don't want to appear in the directory please check the "Do Not List" box next to the information.

Here is an example listing:

ABC Inc.

P.O. Box 123, Somewhere City, UT, 12345
(123) 456-7890
Contact: ABC PR Division

Manufacturer of ABC product. We also provide support for XYZ.

If you have any questions or you would like to skip this form and register through email, please send all the information below to

After we receive your registration you will receive a confirmation through email or mail. This is not an automatic processes so please be patient.


For just $2 you can add a logo to your business listing. Adding a logo is a great way to make your listing stand out from the crowd. Logos will be no larger than 200pixels by 200 pixels. If the image you send is larger than that it will be resized. Logos only can be used, advertisements are not permitted.

For $10 you can add an advertisement to your listing. An advertisement will help to showcase your products or services. Advertisements will be no larger than 300pixels high by 600 pixels wide. If the image you send is larger than that it will be resized. You may also include your logo as part of your advertisement for no additional charge.

Logos and advertisements should be in a common image format such as .jpg, .gif, or .png. You can purchase both a logo and an advertisement, Or you can upgrade your logo to an advertisement.

If you need help in formatting your logo or advertisement contact us at
